Behind the Box – Meet Carmen
Carmen has been working at Zebrabox Bern with 900 storage units over three floors for four years. She deals with concerns and supports clients throughout the storage process.

Who are the people behind Zebrabox? Today Carmen took time out to speak to us. Carmen has been working as a customer manager at the Bern site since 2014.
Please can you briefly describe your role and what you enjoy about it:
My role as a customer manager is to provide expert support to customers. I help new customers from when they request a quote right through to signing the contract and look after all the existing customers on site. If there is a problem or a question, I always try to offer help and assistance.
I particularly enjoy the interaction with customers. It adds a lot of variety to my daily routine. Every customer is different and has different needs or concerns. This means that being a customer manager is not "just" an office job, but is enriched enormously by the customers. You never know exactly what to expect during your working day.
You mentioned working with customers as one of your highlights: what excites you about working with customers?
The enormous diversity of our customers. Every customer is different, has a different history and therefore different needs. Regardless of whether they are having a good or bad run, if I can help, that makes me happy. You can tell that the customers are really appreciative, this gives you a lot back and is like an extra reward.
Which experiences have remained particularly memorable for you?
Probably my first day working at Zebrabox. At the beginning I was still a little overwhelmed with the size of the place. So at the end of the day, I first had to find my way out of the corridors to get back to my car. I know my way round now though (laughs).
I also remember my first customers; they were a young family with a child. I walked through the premises with the family and looked for a suitable storage unit. The mother was becoming visibly more anxious because the baby might start getting hungry again. We found the right Zebrabox in time after all, so luckily the baby didn't have to go hungry.
We often hear that the site in Bern is special: what can you tell us about this?
The friendly atmosphere in the office here is really great. Everyone gets on well with each other and good conversations often arise during breaks. Even after work, we often do things together.
Another special feature is that we rent out business premises in Bern. For example, the story of Myfridaygoodies, an online shop for jewellery and accessories. It all started with renting a small Zebrabox as a storage unit for their online shop. Over time and with growing success, the warehouse became an office boutique, which this space was ideally suited for.
In Bern, we also have many customers who always pay their monthly rent on site. This creates a more personal customer connection and sometimes there is time for a quick chat and a coffee.
We would like to thank Carmen for taking the time to speak to us and for the exciting insight into the world of a customer manager and the site in Bern.